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An ERA of AI

2025 Forecast


AI has revolutionized numerous industries, automating certain jobs while simultaneously creating new ones. It's reshaping how we work and the skills we need. Emerging roles such as AI ethicists, machine learning engineers, data analysts, and cybersecurity experts are becoming increasingly prevalent.

Founder of Spread Studio, Sidsel Solmer Eriksen, talked to VPN Mentor about perspective on the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in the job market for the creative industries.


"The entrance of AI in the creative industries has primarily impacted the workflow and process–and set business relationships under a trust test.

The implementation of AI in creative businesses has primarily impacted jobs as an added tool to the existing toolbox. As the technology in itself still has way to go, the potential for creative industries is more one of refinement than a revolutionizing one–as it has the potential to be in industries like Life Science and Tech.

The creatives I know, use AI as a creative tool to generate new ideas or style elements for their existing design process. Or to turn the design process upside down, when using AI as a visualization tool to understand client needs better, which allows them to offer better design solutions as a result of their early insights.

In the era of implementing AI into existing business flows, trust will be paramount. The best way forward is to be very transparent about where and when AI, is applied, instead of hiding it, as this can backlash into the client/service relationship. I believe, that if we find ways to use AI as a third playmate in our business relationships, we can open doors to new and interesting outcomes, and possibly both win from it–across all industries.


As with any tool and technology, we need to familiarize ourselves with it, before rushing into conclusions about how it changes and transforms. Instead of building worst case scenarios of a dystopian future, where AI replaces human intelligence, we as humanity are all put the task of understanding that we are the stewards of how we want to use our new tool. The major question is up to us; how do we use AI to create a better world for all?

My hope and belief for the future of AI in the job market is that we are still depending on human intelligence as the driver behind AI as a new tool in our human tool box. No matter the tool, the instrument still lies in the human ability to responsibly IMAGINE and CREATE a better world."

You can find the full article here.